If the storm does track north east, then there maybe a chance of some rain for us in Kota Kinabalu. Also the counterclockwise spin may change the wind to northerly or northeasterly. This should reduce the haze reaching us in Kota Kinabalu. The majority of the hotspots (fires causing smoke / haze) are in Laos and Cambodia. You can see this at the Singapore National Environment Agency. The image for 21 March 2010 is below.

Today's high for Kota Kinabalu has been forecasted at 31°C (Heat Index at 44°C) with chance of Thundersorms in the late afternoon.
The Malaysian Department of Environment shows the Air Pollutant Index (API) readings for 7am, 11am, and 5pm in some of the major cities and towns in Malaysia. Unfortunately the website is not reachable this morning (too many connections - that's what it says! - maybe time to add more servers?)
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