I went looking for some take-out dinner at Karamunsing Capital. There were many eating spots there. I am sure I will be trying some of them in future (I only took photos of those that caught my eye). I must say again that I am really impressed with the ease-of-use, the colour and the resolution of the Lumix FZ-35 I used (these photos were taken at about 6.30pm in RAW format at 12 megapixels - but reduced to 640 x 480 pixels at 72dpi for internet publication). For those interested, Panasonic Lumix has launched the new models (FZ-45 and FZ-100).

There was Peppermint.

There was Nasi Lemak Antarabangsa. They say its a clone of the nasi lemak from Kampung Baru KL (I had many great meals there, I wonder if this will be to that standard?).

There was Ipoh Town Kopitiam.

I didn't know that Venice was that near to Ipoh (geographically?)

The was Old Town White Coffee.

There was Hang Li Po (Chinese Muslim Food). There was a Pool Hall on the first floor (I must pay them a visit soon). The slow shutter speed (low-light situation) caused all the pedestrian-blur.

I went to take-out at Fatty Chef Cuisine.

It was an eye-catching name, though the chef I saw in there was not fat at all! Restaurant had good ambiance at matching prices.

The take-out was of very good standard (both the cooking and the containers / cutlery).