Today, 16 September 2010, has been named Malaysia Day (a public holiday from this year on). This First Celebration of Malaysia Day is held at Kota Kinabalu (Sabah). The events today included A Choir Competition (Morning), an exhibition at The Kota Kinabalu Community Center, and the official event at Padang Merdeka.

The Malaysian flags galore;

and A Beautiful Rainbow over The Flag.

The Main Grandstand at Padang Merdeka.

As usual, the VIPs will be seated and covered, the other officials will be seated, ...

while The People were pushed behind the tape to stand or sit on the ground.

The on-going preparation of the pyrotechnics.

The Big Fireworks for the finale.

One of the night's act practising.

A Songbird....

Another Songbird ...

Some guy singer ... (I think you probably realised I don't know much about Malaysian singers!).

The Choir from St Joseph School, Papar (Winner of The Choir Competition this morning).

Presumably another of the night's act; roller-bladders with flags.

The Big screen behind the stage...

with the usual "Last Minute Problem"!

Not wishing to hang around for the next three hours waiting for the VIPs to arrive and the speeches, I decided to leave. The Rainbow over The Stage at Padang Merdeka Kota Kinabalu will hopefully be A Good Omen for Sabah and Malaysia.