The Federation of Chinese Associations Sabah (mainly by The Youth Wing) organised the 28th Malaysia(n) Chinese Cultural Festival. It was held on the evening of 5 March 2011 at the 1Borneo Hypermall central atrium.

Although called a festival and as a national level event (there was the word Malaysia in the event title), I did not see anything else apart from the show.

Although there was a large crowd, I wondered what was the purpose of holding this event. If it was to promote awareness (or celebration) of the chinese culture amongst the malaysian chinese; shouldn't the show be attended by the young (eg students) and held in a proper venue (eg YS hall)?

There was a whole bunch of pretty women ...

playing traditional musical instruments ...

... and dancing with hats.

Then came a very versatile gentleman who played a chinese mandolin (
pipa or liuqin?) ...

... and then a gourd flute (
hulusi?) ...

... then the chinese violin (
erhu?) ...

... then moved to a "not usually a musical instrument" cup ...

... followed by a musical saw ...

... chinese beatboxing (?) ...

... percussion from an empty water container; all these in addition to singing a song!!!

Then the pretty women came back with TRANSPARENT umbrellas; I doubt those are traditional(!) and neither are those costumes. It all looked more like a night club act?

Do you think she's mimeing the playing of that musical instrument? No microphone lah!

Then came the Tai Chi and Kung Fu guys (it looked like the more senior bros were in front)...

... this guy in the second row looked very serious ...

... and had very good form (in contrast to the substandard stuff from the junior bros with their praying mantis, drunken boxing ...) ...

... eldest bro showed an exciting set with a horse whip (our chinese Indiana Jones!).

We had dinner at the Nyonya House (with the rickshaw in front). Food was good, but service was very poor; we were kept waiting for each of the next dish; then they forgot to cook one of the dishes; then under-cooked that one in their rush to get it to us before we could cancel it. All in all, disappointing.