Tuesday, October 06, 2015

HDR (High Dynamic Range) Photos With My New Mobile Phone's Camera

I went to the Sunday Gaya Street Market to try out the HDR (High Dynamic Range) setting on the camera in my new mobile phone.

In brief, HDR attempts to take multiple exposures and then combine them together to get more details in the shadow areas and overblown highlight areas. This photo (with the KK Tourism Office on the left) was taken on the standard auto setting on the camera.

The HDR image did bring out the details in the shadow areas (eg the ground floor external facade of the Tourism Office), but at the expense of making the general look a little more "washed out".

In some cameras the HDR setting lead to a somewhat "cartoony" look. I was glad it wasn't that bad on this camera. Here's one on the standard setting, with the shadowy area under the tarpaulin.

With HDR you can see what's under the tarpulin. Note the red on the road sign is less intense (compared to the standard setting above).

Mr Coffee-Man. I always buy the beans from him. The first Jar on the left only.
Arabica from Ranau.
I liked that he roasted the beans without the usual crap (margerine, rice, ....)

Mr Pau & Bun Man. Famous on the internet as The Cheapest in KK!
Hence that bunch taking the selfies!!!
Note the details captured by the HDR setting from under the shade in front to inside the shop.

Mr Old-Stuff Man. Old books, records, CDs ....

Mr Stamp Man. I don't buy these. You need to pay more (from Auctions and Quality Stamp Dealers) for the good stuff.

Mr Gong Man. I don't have a big house, so no way to display such big & numerous items as a Gong set (though they were very nice and melodious).

Mr Local Root Vegetable. Note the Petai in front left.

Madam Herbs & Herbal Vegetables. I don't know enough to comment.

I never liked these "caged animals" stalls. But the HDR did helped to capture the details under the shade.

These are OK though.

Another stamp dealer, ... seemed to have gone off for breakfast?

A Sucker Fish? Or is he trying to say something?

Beautiful wooden chopping boards. Too heavy though, and not enough chopping to justify buying one. What a pity.

Mr Calligraphy Man. Now seemed to do Jawi apart from Chinese.

The guys from the Blind Band about to commence their musical entertainment.

The HDR seemed to work well (for non-Pro use), good enough for all normal snaps.

The OIS (Optical Image Stabilisation) also helped. I was hand carrying the coffee beans, paus, and buns when taking these photos!

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